Get Involved
Want to volunteer? Sign up here!
Become a Tree Tender
Join our Tree Tender group to rally neighbors to plant and care for street trees. The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society training offers the tools to plant and nurture trees in our own community and beyond. Plant trees with the CCRA Tree Tender community, or join bi-weekly pruning days for established trees.
Storm Drain Marking
Trash tossed in storm drains in our neighborhood flows directly into the Schuylkill and Delaware Rivers. Help us mark the storm drains with reminders that “only rain belong in the drain.”
Community Clean Up Days
Schuylkill River Park Love Your Park Day - Saturday, May 7, 9 am to 12 pm. Sign up here
Become a Penn State Master Watershed Steward
Expand your water and natural resources knowledge with Penn State's research-based information to broaden our conservation outreach into the community. For more information, click here